Saturday, March 30, 2013


Welcome to my new photo journal.

Recently, I was the proud (and super excited) winner of a new Canon EOS Rebel T3i digital camera. To put it lightly, I am a picture junky. Not a photographer...just a picture junky. I have countless albums that literally chronicle my entire life. My family will testify that I am the one with the camera at all the gatherings and I tend to have a new camera every few years or so. However, THIS camera is way out of my league. Just this past Christmas, I remember glimpsing it online as I moved past it to the more modestly priced cameras in my search for a new point-and-shoot Nikon. I would never have paid such a price for what will be, at most, a hobby. But now….it’s mine. Mwaaahaaahaa!

When I brought it home, I promptly put it together, got out the manual, started reading, and pushing lots of buttons. Day 2 had me on a search for my first subject. I was ready to get started. After about 30-50 attempts to snapshot my energetic little boy, I decided to turn my attention towards the cats. I found them much more patient with my fumbling with the camera. Here's what came out...

Curious Bella

Beautiful Hope 

Then Saturday morning came. With my son still in his pajamas, he climbed on my husband’s lap and asked him to read a book. It took a while for my brain to turn back on after my heart melted but once that happened I sprinted for the camera and grabbed these nice shots.

I’m looking forward to continuing the chronicle…for the digital age. 


  1. Yay!!! Congrats, that's a great camera. :)

  2. Adorable pictures especially of Dan and Cole. It is great having a daughter who loves to take pictures and cherish all those special moments.
